This is the love story of a football player, a girl in a beaver suit, an 11-year-old girl, a former groupie, a rich woman, and a rock star.
Fricking awesome.
Football stud and title charmer Dean is driving to his vacation home in Tennessee when he sees an interesting sight on the side of the road: a pissed-off girl in a beaver suit. Dean, looking for distraction, picks her up and gives her a ride to the ex-boyfriend that she's gonna kick the ass of. And we're off!
The beaver, known as Blue Bailey, is an artist who's been ripped off twice: by her ex AND her activist mother, who just cleaned out her entire savings to save young girls from rape (without even asking first). She's totally broke, Dean's rich and generous, and he brings her along as an erstwhile employee. While Blue is not Dean's normal type at all (indeed, this book makes a big deal about how Blue's looks aren't remotely up to the snuff of Dean's), he finds it interesting to be around her, and she's a challenge when she won't immediately hop into bed with him. Their sparring is amusing.
When they get to the house, there's a surprise in store: Dean's mother turns out to be the housekeeper he hired to fix up the place, using a fake name. When he was a kid, she was too busy being a druggie groupie to be a parent (Dean and Blue both have abandonment issues), but now she's clean, sober, industrious, and has her act together. She doesn't expect forgiveness from Dean, she just wants to do one thing for him.
And then the half-sister he never met shows up- her asshole mom has just died, and their mutual dad doesn't pay attention to her, and she's hoping Dean can give her some love. Dad soon follows, and next thing Dean knows, he's got a family reunion on his hands...
I loved this. It's sweet and lots of fun, and I was just as interested in everyone else in the story as I was in the main couple. (I particularly love April and Jack. Awwwww.) Four stars from me.