By Mariah Carey with Michaela Angela Davis.
It's Mariah's autobiography! And it's better than I thought it would be. I'm not sure how the whole ghostwriting/co-writing process works exactly, but Mariah definitely has a distinctive speaking/writing style in this that shines on through.
Mostly the book covers Mariah's turbulent growing up years as a mixed-race child with an African-American strict dad and a white opera singer mom who was jealous of Mariah's talent, and siblings that...well, they're not great people. "You poor girl," I kept thinking. Definitely makes you realize that she LIVED "Make It Happen." The book covers a lot of her family drama, along with her first marriage to Tommy Mottola. It doesn't sound like it was ever a love match on her end, but she goes into pretty good detail as to how Tommy kept her pretty well imprisoned at home and restricting her career to what he thought it should be. When a 19-year-old (Da Brat) can note that this relationship isn't good... Anyway, they go to therapy and Mariah eventually gets the heck out of that and out of working with Sony, has a brief love affair with Derek Jeter, and mentions dating a few other dudes here and there.
The latter half of the book is a bit skimm-ish, as she kind of barely gets around to talking about her relationship/marriage with Nick Cannon and Dem Babies and mostly talks about the celebrities she's worked with. That seems a me, but maybe she didn't want to go into whatever drama went on with the guy when she still has to share custody and whatnot, I dunno.
Overall, I'm inclined to give it 3.5 stars. Like I said, a bit skimm-ish at the end knocks it off a bit for me, but otherwise it's pretty dang good. Go Mariah for surviving all the crap she's gone through. (Note: the "Even the Rich" podcast does an excellent job of discussing this book and the events in it, if you want to check that out.)