By Sharon Shinn.
Previous book here.
This is the best of the series. Loved it. Though what is with the cover? Is Cammon some kind of flying circus performer with a sword now? Just saying.
Anyway, this one's great. It features the budding romance between Cammon, a magically powerful but super common orphan, and Princess Amalie, who he hit it off with a few years ago and finally gets to spend more time with. Cammon is tasked with listening in on/vetting the conversations between Amalie and potential suitors, a task that's not so fun when you've got a crush on her yourself. Added difficulty bonuses include the castle's surly steward and Amalie's Very Protective Bodyguard/stepmother Queen Valri insisting on being around as much as possible and trying to keep Cammon in his place...while Amalie is pretty insistent that they renew their friendship and that Cammon feel comfortable with having an equal relationship with her. She gets a bit hurt here and there when he is forced to restrain his seeing her--which can be a bit much at times, but I also get that she's been sheltered as hell and really needs social time. Anyway, I enjoyed their relationship, and Cammon perhaps being a bit unusual as to how he behaves (example: being asked to explain how sex works!) really works for them both.
In the continuing news of Senneth, she and the rest of the gang are still trying to prevent a war, recruiting Lirrenfolk men and going to a mystic-majority town of Carrebos to recruit people. Carrebos is super cool, btw--imagine going somewhere where your waiter's levitating your plates? Sweet. Senneth and company also run into various people they've rescued during the course of the series, who are generally doing pretty well. (Sosie being involved with Darryn is a particular surprise.)
Then two thirds of the way through the book, war breaks out on the day of Will and Casserah's wedding (Skip To The End!), and finally Shit Starts Happening Here. I'm happy that the series, which has been great and pleasant in letting me hang out with people I like, finally got more action going on in it. I'll get into more things below the spoiler cut, but bad guys gotta be taken care of, and that happens, and happy endings happen for all. It's a nice resolution.
Amalie is the best character in this series, I must say. Obviously Senneth is the author's favorite as she continues to get narrative past her original book, but Amalie is plucky as shit despite her sheltered upbringing. We find out the whole "how did Valri marry into the family and become Amalie's bodyguard" story, and while you're probably reasonably sure both of them are mystics, there's a little extra...flair... to what Amalie does that made for an interesting twist that I enjoyed. See spoiler cut for more. I also love how Amalie has straight up made loving friends with the raelynx (who seriously deserves a name, why does it not have one?!) and it also becomes her bodyguard, which she--or the raelynx itself--deploys on people who deserve it. Amalie is the Raelynx Queen and I love that. She's great. I also like her theory that everyone in Gillengaria has some kind of magic, even if it's not quite mystic-level, and this book notes that the marlords/ladies seem to have a magical connection to their lands in particular.
On the weird side, there's one mentioned of poor Romar almost remembering how he felt about Kirra like ten times at one dinner, and Kirra's still hecka bothered by the whole thing. Me: TEN TIMES?!? I...really am not sold on Kirra and Donnal being the one true pairing for both if Kirra and Romar still feel like that, even with a memory wipe on his part. I still find that whole situation a giant "not great, Bob!" but, well, there's a pregnancy, so.....yeah. I'd also like to note that while I like King Baryn, he's never around much, and does he do anything, really? I'm truly not sure, since you'd think if he has say, personal connections to mystics, he might want to do something about stopping all the mystic murders? As one of the reviews I mentioned in the last book points out, they don't really seem to have any kind of police force/authorities going on anywhere and if someone gets in trouble or is persecuted, they'd better hope a friendly stranger passes by (foreshadowing for the next book, I note). Maybe there wouldn't be so much unrest in the kingdom if Baryn took more actions?
Anyway, I'll talk some more below the spoiler cut.
I'd like to mention one genuinely funny line in this one. There's not a lot of humor in this series, but I really enjoyed this bit:
"Why are they always about women, those bawdy songs?" Senneth asked. "Why aren't these awful little melodies about men?"
"Wait. Give me a minute," Kirra said. "I knew five men from Forten City / Three were dumb and one was pretty / One said, "Girl, won't you give me a lick? / I've sprinkled saltwater on-"
BWAHAHAHA. I also liked at one point when Kirra is in animal form and play-attacking Cammon and Senneth was yelling, "BITE HIM!" Some more humor in this series would have been great.
Anyway, four stars, lovely resolution to the whole thing. I did get the fifth book (same world, different people) so we'll see how that goes.