By Steve Martin and Harry Bliss.
Previous book here.
This is somewhat more of what you'd expect from Steve Martin, in that it has some funny stories about his movie career. As pointed out in the documentary and previous book, Steve decided to get off the standup train and onto the movie train, and thus he has funnier stories. He's partnered with a cartoonist (and his dog--I think the dog is Harry's? I'm not totally sure?) and the cartoonist does an excellent job of drawing Steve's life and anecdotes. Steve is narrating to Harry and/or his dog, apparently. I really enjoyed his movie writing, as it was more fun and lively and you feel like Steve is actually "there" rather than being distant.
A third of the way through the book (it has no page numbers?!), Steve admits he lost interest in movies too, does a very short rundown on the activities he's done since then, and then the rest of the book is one-off cartoons, kinda like New Yorker ones. Some hit better than others in the humor department.
Three and a half stars.