You Are SO Cursed! becomes Maudite:
"I’m feeling a certain giddy weirdness at holding, for the first time, a
novel of mine translated into a foreign language. I wrote it. But it
doesn’t look like what I wrote. My Vick Marotti has a tendency to drawl
out things like, “Hey, I’m gonna go to the mall. Wanna come?” The
French version, however, minces around in her purple bustier and
inquires, “Perhaps you would like to accompany me to the commercial
center? Let us go!” In my book, Vick waxes rhapsodic on the pleasures
of cheese-on-a-stick (“Mmmm! Cheese! On a Stick!”), but the French Vick makes me slightly ill by extolling the wonders of cotton candy. “Un joli nuage de sucre!” Pretty sugar cloud, my ass."
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