"My first thought was also that this was a joke straight from the 70s.
second thought was that even if there were people around who would care
about a man buying a dress these days, they aren't going to bat an eye
at it on Oct 28. Cross dressing parties (and just plan cross dressing
costumes) are very common."
"Apparently, Gawky McOldyPants has also never heard of Halloween. Just
how out-of-it would someone have to be to assume a man buying a dress the weekend right before Halloween must be a transvestite?
also, why does Lynn have to work so hard to show us that Mikey would
never, never dress up as a woman for laffs unless he was forced to?
Somehow I don't get the feeling that she's trying to show us that he's
too mature for that kind of thing."
"And it is sort of nice to see Mike finally accepting who he is."
"This strip actually made me chuckle. And if it weren't for the larger context of knowing these characters, I wouldn't have been saddled with the knowledge that, indeed, Deanna has been called upon to be "open-minded and understanding," only not about cross-dressing. Try family-avoidance, holing up in the attic, having countless "meetings" with Weed."
"Man, could Mike look more pleased with himself in panels 8 and 9? Okay, nine makes sense since he's posing (and what's up with those godawful shoes? I was prepared to lay the blame on the yahoo colorists, but it's on the FOOB site too), but why is he so freaking smug in panel 8? I mean, I know that "self-satisfied" is his default emotion at this point in his life, but come on, dude; you picked out an ugly dress at a used clothing store. Not that difficult."