Today's chat gets amusing (Washington Post):
"But the woman instantly managed to completely defeminize herself by
pulling out a cell phone and spending the entire hour we sat together
making a series of thunderously banal phone calls, at deafeningly high
volume to no one in particular about nothing at all. I transcribed this
as she was talking and am cutting and pasting here from my notes.
"Yeah, put the potatoes in the oven and you can fry some mushrooms
if you want. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I like lasagna too but not tonight. "
"You see "24"? What I wanna know is who the secret people the
redheaded girl are talking to on the computer? And how about Jack
telling off the other grumpyface girl."
"I don't have much going on, just wanit to say hi! (pause) Yeah, on
a train. (pause) Nothin.' (Pause) No nothin' much. (pause) Nope,
nothin; (pause) Nope, nothin'. Nothin. Okay, seeya. "
"The Sixers game is on tonight! Been gettin' into it now that they
are in the playoffs. I don't get into it usually. (pause) Nope,
nothin'. "
You know what? I demand high quality in a conversation that I am eavesdropping on. This woman was an idiot. It bothered me."
"Not the Train B, UT: On a metrobus not too long ago I heard a
young lady talking on a cellphone. I mention it now because of what,
specifically, I overheard.
"Yeah, I'm on the bus. No, it's OK, I don't know any these people so I don't care what they think."
She was at least 6 rows away from me."
"Gene Weingarten: Actually that's pretty good comedy. She knew what she was doing."
"Smell Pho, NE: I was attending a convention at the Javits
Center. I visit the men's room to take care of business. I hear a guy's
cell phone ring in one of the stalls. In the loudest New York-accented
voice imaginable, I hear, "Hey! Nah! I'm taking a sh-t at the Javits
"Gene Weingarten: Also designed for comic effect. I like it."
"Phone Calls: A friend and I have a game we play when we're bored
and in public. We call each other and try to have a conversation that
will mildly alarm any eavesdroppers. The key is to make it believable
(no one is going to believe you're actually a spy or a hit man
discussing your most recent "job" in an airport terminal). The phrase
"the doctor said I'd be contagious for 48 hours" is great, especially
if you never specify WHEN the doctor said that. Also successful: "The luggage scanners only detect live pets through
body heat, so anything cold-blooded will probably get through okay as
long as he doesn't move around too much."
"Logan Circle: The last time I rode the train, the young woman
across the aisle from me spent two hours calling everyone she knew to
discuss the boob job she had just had in NJ. She really felt like a
woman now. Her breasts were riding a little high but would settle down
in a couple of weeks. They were tender. She couldn't lift her arms
above her head. And so on. I learned a lot about breasts."
"Jefferson City, Mo.: "We call each other and try to have a conversation that will mildly alarm any eavesdroppers."
This reminds me of an Amy and David Sedaris story. He's considered the "funny" one in the family but it's Amy who's the hoot.
As the story goes, they're in NYC on the subway. She's getting off at a
stop before him. She gets up to leave, gets to the door, then calls
back to him "hope you beat that rape charge."
Actually, she related that here in an "online discussion."
"Washington, DC: Last night, at the Whole Foods, a woman wearing
a mask was blocking my access to the entire soup section. I waited
patiently for about a minute, before politely saying "excuse me." No
response. Suddenly, I developed the scariest hacking, rattling cough in
the history of humankind. That got her out of there. Of course, now I'm
going to get swine flu as punishment for feeding into her paranoia."