The good, the pretty good, and the oh lord.
They can change that future, he tells them, and in so doing they will become legends, their names remembered forever in the future. Leaving aside for the moment the fact that Rip is lying in his teeth, let’s look at how bad he is at leading a team. After his big speech . . .
• Snart and Mick walk off, unimpressed; they decide to join later for their own goal of robbing the past through time travel. Screw the future.
• Stein goes for the knowledge he can attain and the historical figures he might meet. Screw the future.
• Jax refuses to go; he ends up on board the ship because Stein drugs him because he can’t go without him. Screw the future.
Sara, Snart, and Mick became Killer, Klepto, Pyro not through any conscious decision but because they were the three who were the most practical and the ones most willing to cross moral lines to get things done. They were also, not surprisingly, the most effective and most popular of the group.