Magic spells for when you're out of mundane ways to handle it and you're really super mad.
"Traditionally, curses come into favor when people feel that more direct/public/legal means of seeking justice fail them and they feel disempowered. It is no surprise that they are coming back into fashion in times like these.
Hexing/cursing is the final recourse for the marginalized, disenfranchised, and dispossessed. It is what you do when the last straw has finally broken the camel’s back, or at least it should be. Before casting a curse you should, if you are safe to do so, follow every legitimate path for finding a solution to your problem. Attempting to curse someone/something before trying more traditional problem solving methods, when they’re available to you, rarely ends well for anyone. Cursing is not what most people would call a “good” thing to do. Cursing/hexing causes harm and there are consequences for sending harm out into the world. You need to be prepared to deal with those consequences when they come - and they will come. As Dorothy Morrison says, you need to be “wicked pissed” before casting a curse. You have to mean it with every fiber of your being, consequences be damned."