My overall instructions, should you want to do this thing:
- Pick a sturdy-ish fleece blanket
- Do a lot of math to figure out how many shirts you can fit on the thing at its dimensions
- You probably should put on the goddamned interfacing on the shirts, or else be prepared to deal with a lot of weird adjustments and wiggling when you pin/sew the shirts together.
- Sew each strip separately at first. Then lay out the strips, sewing #1 to #2, the bottom 2 strips together, then #3 to #1-2 (i.e. the first two strips sewn together), until you work your way to the middle.
- When you've got 2 quilt tops, fold over the edges and pin them to the thick fleece hem, leaving some edging sticking out. Pin both layers together through the entire thing to keep them lined up.
- Sew the sides BUT NOT THE CORNERS, leave them for last. This will require effort.
- Hand sew the corners. Sew one layer to the fleece in the middle, but don't try to sew the entire 3 layers together at once. It just breaks the needle. Do the same for the other side. (If you're me and find that one corner stretched itself out on both sides in an unfixable way, slap some patches on the corners and hand sew them on too.)
- In lieu of doing a tie quilt, because both sides don't line up to do that, get out your hand needle again and at middle junctures between the strips (do about 3-4 per row), tie a knot on the end and then stick your needle through the top layer and the fleece, but not the third layer (again, too hard to do). Pull out the needle on the other side, and then tie the two ends together. You're basically doing a subtler tie quilt. Do the same thing on the other side.