First, I made a necklace out of rainbow guitar picks and guitar charms.
It's inherently cute, but in execution, it doesn't exactly lie flat to see the charms so well. I kinda figured as such, but wanted to try it anyway.
Second, I am taking a class in silicone mold making. As has been previously mentioned, I took lost wax casting and thought it was a pain in the ass, what with the kind of wax used, a lack of keepable mold, etc. Well, this lady has worked out her own technique for this that (a) involves using Sculpey/polymer clay and modeling clay, and (b) you come out of it with a keepable silicone mold. The first couple of classes are for sculpting, and it was sooooo much easier to just make the piece you wanted with Sculpey. You make what you want and then cook it. If you want to have a hollowed out middle--like I do since I am trying more guitar pick jewelry again-- you use the modeling clay to fill it out since that won't bake hard in the oven. Then you scrape it out. Here's what I made in the first class-- a few flat pieces, some that have been hollowed out, and one that still has the modeling clay within it.
I have high hopes for about 3 of the hollowed out ones, as my first run (top left) both cracked a bit and doesn't hold all of the picks too flat. It was a much more fun time than lost wax.
And third, I am crazily designing my own cropped tied bolero sweater during the Ravelympics Ravellenic Games. I have been wanting to make one since I lost mine for ages, I could not find a suitable pattern, so I am altering another one. Run #1 was surprisingly fast to do the back and two front pieces....but it's a tight fit at the armpits, and the tie part (I was doing two panels that were triangular and tied together) just looked strange. I stupidly took out most of the work--the two side panels entirely and added two more inches to the back piece--and am winging it again for round 2, only with two skinny ties.
The ridiculous thing about this is that I could actually have had the thing DONE before this weekend (note that the point of the games is to do a project entirely during Olympic season), had I not started over to try this again. Or possibly again. I am kind of nuts.